Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once commonly used in construction materials due to its heat resistance and other properties. However, asbestos has since been linked to serious health problems like mesothelioma and asbestosis. Because of this, it is important to hire professionals who are qualified and certified to safely handle asbestos in your home or business.

A waste management professional will likely start with an inspection of your facility and identify potential hazardous environments. Then, they will take samples of various building materials to find asbestos. They will also perform air-quality tests to locate microscopic fibers. This can help them plan their removal strategy.

It is not illegal to perform minor repairs yourself on a home or commercial structure built with asbestos-containing materials (ACM). But, the person doing the work should be accredited as an Asbestos Removal Specialists professional and must follow strict rules to prevent exposure to the toxic mineral. If you need to do a major repair, such as replacing sheet flooring or removing an appliance, it is recommended that you hire a specialist.

If you decide to make a minor repair, a professional will clear the work area by sealing off windows and exhaust vents and placing plastic sheeting over doors. They will then wet the surface of the ACM to reduce shedding and limit the spread of fibers. Commercial products designed to fill holes or seal small areas of damage are also available. Before doing any work, the asbestos professional should document that they have completed federal or state-approved training.

The person performing the asbestos work should also have a current New York City Department of Labor certificate or “hard card.” It is good for one calendar year, but it does expire. To continue to work with asbestos, a person must complete another course of training and receive a new hard card.

Before beginning any work, a trained and certified asbestos professional will check the work area with an independent air monitor. If the air quality is satisfactory, the work site will be sealed off with plastic sheeting and duct tape to keep dust from spreading throughout your facility. Then, the contractor can begin their work.

An experienced and professional contractor should perform a thorough evaluation of the facility before beginning any work. This includes reviewing the work scope, taking necessary sampled materials and testing for asbestos again after any work is done. A written report is then prepared and submitted to the New York City Department of Labor.

Asbestos professionals are required to undergo federally-approved training and pass a background check and drug test. They must also have insurance that covers them if they are injured while working in the field.

Before hiring an asbestos professional, check with your state agency to see the most up-to-date listing of accredited individuals in your area. Avoid a conflict of interest by using different firms for an assessment and the actual asbestos repair or removal. This will protect you and your family from being exposed to harmful chemicals and materials that are not necessary for the renovation or construction of your home or commercial facility.